ChocEtiq - Sending by mail |
For the various files which the application can create (extensions CEI), ChocEtiq can allow the automatic sending by mailwith various options, according to two protocols, MAPI and smtp: on certain machines only smtp can be available. When the two protocols are accessible, the choice is made by the button
MAPI Caution: This possibility of transport relates to only the computers managing Outlook automation, i.e. equipped for example with Outlook 97, Outlook 2000 or XP. The reduced version Outlook Express does not allow this management. ChocEtiq uses the mailing software installed by defect, while placing the messages in the box of sending, but does not proceed to the direct real sending of the message. Smtp It is not necessary to have a mailing software installed on the machine, ChocEtiq managing only the protocols necessary! For a correct operation, it is advisable to configure (by the button “To configure smtp” in the bar of title of the window “Sending by mail” by indicating smtp server to be used. It is possible to indicate any address email (even non-existent, but in this case the recipient will not be able to answer). By defect, at the time of the configuration, the server and the email by defect are automatically proposed. Recipient: indicate the email of the correspondent, or the various addresses separated by a semicolon. Note: the multiple sendings of messages are always done in hidden copies; each recipient thus ignores the other recipients of the message. Subject: object of the message, suggested by defect with the type of record concerned Contents: free contents Attached part: by defect, the sending includes CEI file in attached part. To strip this option makes it possible not to join the part attached to the message. Name of the attached part: proposed by defect in the name of the record concerned (.CEI). The user can modify this name, but the possible change of the extension will not allow the automatic launching of the application while double-clicking on the part attached in the transport. Immediate sending: when this option (available only MAPI interfaces) is notched, the message is sent without control to the box of sending of the mailing software. If this option is not notched, the window of creation of message of the application of transport opens during the creation of the message, making it possible to differ its sending, to modify it or to remove it. ChocEtiq gives access the address book or a notebook specific to the application to select the addresses there. The choice of the notebook is done by the button Address book: If the system allows it (version Outlook 2000 for example and other Outlook customers), ChocEtiq makes it possible to directly select the address in the notebook of the transport. If several addresses are clicked in the list, they are automatically cumulated in the zone addresses, separated by semicolons. Specific notebook: ChocEtiq has its own address book, that the user can create and manage with the center even application (using the contextual menu obtained by the right button of the mouse when the specific notebook is open). The specific notebook can include/understand simple addresses, but also mailing lists (by indicating in the same block the whole of the addresses emails separated by semicolons). This specific notebook, which is divided with no other application, can be created manually or using the importation since the address book (if several addresses are clicked in the list of the address book, they are automatically cumulated in the zone addresses, separated by semicolons.) In addition, the specific address book makes it possible to indicate an address (or a mailing list) by defect: this address (or lists) is systematically proposed with the launching of the screen of sending by mail, but also, when the specific notebook open then is closed again without to have selected element there, and that the zone address is empty (or by only clicks on
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