ChocEtiq - Packages |
The package table makes it possible to constitute whole of products in order to automatically generate the labelling of this package, according to the individual description of each product using the composition of the package. Each package is defined by: •its name. The name of each package must be single (without taking account of the tiny capital letters/). •a possible image of the package, which could be begun again on the label. The image can be of type bmp, GIF; jpg, rle, or wmf. - to insert an image, click on - to remove an image, double-click on - the image is automatically redimensionned during posting in the record package and during its impression. To see the image with real size, click on
•the wording “on label”: if the label to be printed includes the “wording” of the package, it is this zone is not the name of the package which will be used; The zone made out can include special characters: ^p to indicate an end of line ^t to indicate a tabulation •one shelf life specific to the package, if the option “Calculation automatic of the shelf life of the packages” is not activated (see Parameters). This duration is expressed either in days, or in month, or in years: during the impression of the label, the date of conservation will be automatically calculated by addition of this duration at the current date of impression. If the option “Calculation automatic of the shelf life of the packages” (see Parameters) is activated, the shortest time of conservation is affected with the package according to the products composing the package. •the indication of ED (Expiration date) or BBD (Best before date) to associate with the date the good indication during the impression (see Labels), if the option “Calculation automatic of the shelf life of the packages” is not activated. If the option “Calculation automatic of the shelf life of the packages” (see Parameters) is activated, the package automatically passed in ED when at least one of the products composing the package is of this type. •the number of unit (weight, volume…) expressed in the unit of your choice (see Labels) ; •the price expressed in the unit of your choice (see Labels) ; •a cash code, possibly allowing to easily identify the product at the time of its passage in cash. The zone codes case can however be used for any other mention (number of package, etc…) ; •code EAN 8 or 13 of the product allowing the insertion of a barcode on the label: the code can be indicated in its complete form (8 or 13 digits) or partial (less than 8 digits, or 12 digits) involving automatic calculation of the key ; •a specific labels format. Without precision, format by default is used ; •a zone additional, which will appear under the composition in the label. This zone makes it possible to add all useful mentions, in a specific format (alignment, cast iron, etc…), this zone being completely modifiable by the integrated editor (accessible by click on the right button from the mouse) And finally, by the products entering the composition. Each product is indicated by •its name, selected in the table of products. It is possible to select by click in the list, or striking of the letters of beginning of the product, until the list of the products is positioned on the correct element.
•respective quantity of the product in the composition of the product. The calculation of the relative percentage is automatic; it is thus possible to choose the unit of your choice, the quantity thus being able to be expressed in weight, volume, expressed as a percentage, in unit, etc… the whole of the products then having to be indicated in the same type of unit. The button The button Note: the price calculated here has direction only if the package consists of products expressed in same measurement (weight, volume,…)
At the time of the access to the table, the table is sorted by names of increasing products. Thereafter, a double-click on a heading of column makes it possible to sort the table in an increasing or decreasing way on the contents of the column. Export makes it possible to safeguard the integrality of a record package (including photograph and composition) in the form of a file CEI: such a file can thus be communicated with thirds using the package without forcing them to make again the seizure. The file of export of a package includes also the products, the ingredients and the categories which constitute it, implying the automatic creation of these data at the time of the importation of a package. The button “Labels” reaches the Impression of the labels for the package selected (by using the format of label firstly defined by defect, then the first format of the list of the labels; the impression is inaccessible if no label were defined)
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