ChocEtiq - Units

The Unit table makes it possible to define the various measuring units used for the products or the batches.

The definition of a measuring unit includes/understands:

abbreviation of the unit (gr., kg, L, Cl,…) : this abbreviation must be single (without taking account of the tiny capital letters/)

the reference of the unit for its expression in the obligatory measuring unit (when the type of product or batches requires an obligatory posting of the price to the liter or the kilogram for example): for example, a product expressed in grams (gr), one can choose a price with the kilogram (kg) or the 100 grams (100 gr.).

the multiplying coefficient relating to the reference of the preceding unit: for example, for a product expressed in grams (gr), the coefficient is 1000 for a price with the kilogram and 100 for a price with the 100 grams.

“Sing. label” indicates the wording of the unit on the label for quantity minor than 2. For example, the indication “kilogram” for a product of 1 unit expressed in kg., allows the impression of the text “1 kilogram”

"Plur. label" indicates the wording of the unit on the label for quantity superior or equal than 2.  For example, the indication “grams” for a product of 250 units expressed in gr., allows the impression of the text “250 grams”

“Text ref.” indicates the text which is inserted before the expression of the unit of the product in the unit of reference


To add a unit, seize its name in the last free cell of the table


To remove a unit, erase the name of the selected unit


To modify a name of unit, modify simply its name: the elements of the records corresponding units will be automatically modified.

At the time of the access to the table, the table is sorted by abbreviations of increasing units. Thereafter, a double-click on the heading of column makes it possible to sort the table in an increasing or decreasing way.

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