ChocEtiq - Formats of the labels |
To obtain a correct impression, the user must define in Labels menu •formats of labels corresponding to its needs, •defined on sheets labels, •various parameters. Various parameters of small “the Labels” •Composition: this zone determines the text appearing at the beginning of the list of the ingredients on the label. Leaves example the string “Ingredients: ” Note 1: the elements of composition are immediately added on the right this string. It can thus be useful to finish it by a space in order to obtain with final correct page layout. Note 2: Special characters :the zone can include special characters: ^p to indicate an end of line ^t to indicate a tabulation •Risk allergy: this zone determines the text possibly appearing following list of the ingredients on the label, when allergens are to be indicated. For example the string “Risks allergy: ” Note 3: the elements allergen are immediately added on the right this string. It can thus be useful to finish it by a space in order to obtain with final correct page layout. Note 4: the zone can include special characters •Spacing between lines, before the zone allergy: 1 line indicates that the allergens are placed immediately on the line according to the composition, 2 lines imply a spacing of a blank line, 3 lines a spacing of two blank lines. Note 5: it is also possible to generate this spacing while inserting special characters ^p at the beginning of the text presenting the risks of allergy. •Gras and Italic : allow to display specifically allergens or any product using special mention, in bold and/or italic into components list. •Indication of date DLC: text preceding a deadline by consumption, for example “to consume until” Note 6: the date is immediately added on the right this string. It can thus be useful to finish it by a space in order to obtain with final correct page layout. Note 7: the zone can include special characters •Indication of date DLUO: text preceding a deadline by optimal use, for example “to consume preferably before” Note 8: the date is immediately added on the right this string. It can thus be useful to finish it by a space in order to obtain with final correct page layout Note 9: the zone can include special characters •Format of the date: ChocEtiq calculates the deadlines automatically, by additions of the durations at the current date. The resulting date can be presented under various formats: jj/mm/aa (12/8/07) jj/mm/aaaa (12/8/2007) jj-mm-aa (8-12-07) jj-mm-aaaa (8-12-2007) mm/jj/aa (8/12/07) mm/jj/aaaa (8/12/2007) jj mm aa (8 DEC 07) jj mm aaaa (8 DEC 2007) jj mm aa (December 8th, 07) jj mm aaaa (December 8th, 2007) mm jj, aa (DEC 8,07) mm jj, aaaa (DEC 8,2007) mm jj, aa (December 8, 07) mm jj, aaaa (December 8, 2007) jj/mm/aa (12/8/07) •The unit per defect to be proposed during the creation of record produced or batch •The table of the units: this table makes it possible to define the units having to appear on the records produced or packages, the text of the label, and the correspondence between the unit in the unit of reference for the automatic calculation of the price to the kilogram, the price with the liter, etc •The symbol of the currency, and its site in the expression of the price before or after the amount (thus allowing presentations of the type 5.00 € or £ 5.00). •Identity of the salesman: - two zones of text. These zones make it possible to add all useful mentions, in a specific format (alignment, cast iron, etc…), these completely modifiable zones by the editor being integrated (accessible by click on the right button from the mouse). - to insert a logo, click on - to remove the logo, double-click on - the logo is automatically redimensionned during posting and its impression. To see the logo with real size, click on
Format of labels of menu “Labels”
It is possible also to import and completely export formats of labels Modification of a format of label A format of Chocetiq label includes •the definition of the board of labels used (see below) •an indication of orientation “portrait” or “landscape” allowing the printer how it must consider the impression on the board (it is appropriate then often of inversion the vertical parameters of the board by the horizontal parameters) •the complete definition of the contents of each label of the board
The zones which can be placed on the label are: •the logo, corresponding to the identity of the salesman •zone 1 of identity of the salesman •zone 2 of identity of the salesman •the label, of the package or the product, according to the contents of the zone “On label” of the batch or the product •the calculated composition, of the package or the product (for more detail on the way of calculating, to see Use) •the photograph of the product or the pakage •the calculated deadline of the product or the package (for more detail on the way of calculating, to see Use) •the code case of the product or the package •the price of the product or the package with the indications of selected currencies •the weight (or volume, or another unit) of the product or the package •the standard price (relating to the unit of reference: price with the kilogram, price with the liter…) •the EAN13 barcode with ou without legend •date of fabrication •nb of package •picture of computed nutritional values •free text zone 1 •free texte eon2 Positioning of the zones on the label and modification of the format of the zones: The various zones must be positioned in relative space corresponding to the place occupied on each label of the board.
This same box includes/understands in its high-right-hand side part a button
The format of the boards of labels is defined by a whole of 8 parameters: •the number of labels vertically •the number of labels horizontally •the height of a label •the width of a label •the high margin, corresponding to space available enters the top of the board and the top of the first label •the left margin, corresponding space available enters the left side of the board and the left side of the first label •the vertical difference between two labels •the horizontal difference between two labels The boards of labels are symmetrical: it is thus not necessary to indicate of right margin (equal to the left margin) or of high margin (equal to the low margin). In addition, the printers print a whole page according to the parameters preset for the printer: for this reason, and even if it is easier to indicate the 8 parameters in centimetres or millimetres, any other system of measurement (percentage height, of the width…) can be used, because ChocEtiq will automatically calculate the position proportional of each label by taking account of the fact that: - the height of the page = (2 X stroke high) + (vertical number X height of a label) + ((vertical number - 1) X spaces vertical) - the width of the page = (2 X stroke left) + (horizontal number X width of a label) + ((horizontal number - 1) X spaces horizontal) One can thus define definitions of boards easily, such as those proposed below by current manufacturers, these definitions being able to sometimes require adaptations of margins according to the margins minimum of impression of the printer (left nonprintable on the circumference the pages). A fast box of selection in addition makes it possible to quickly parameterize ChocEtiq according to these formats manufacturers.
The only definition of the 8 above mentioned parameters determine the configuration of a board: it is thus not necessary to refer to the one of the example to use ChocEtiq above, and any format of different board is thus usable.
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